“…The internal echotexture of a mass is an important US feature in breast diagnostic workup. However, the US findings of BLs are heterogeneous and lack specificity, usually appear as a hypoechoic solid mass with circumscribed or indistinct margins, [10][11][12][13] or mixed echo of hyperechoic and hypoechoic, 4,6-8,14-16 or circumscribed and very low echoic, mimicking cysts, 15,16 or indistinct and irregular hyperechoic masses in the subcutis and internal tubular branching hypoechogenicity was be contained in hyperechoic areas. 17,18 In the present study, one of PBLs showed a mixed echo mass dominated by hyper echo with indistinct margin, and it was divided into small patches by some irregular hypo echo, which looks like dry earth ground.…”