In this paper time-bounded auxiliary push-down automata (AuxPDA), i.e. time and space bounded Turing machines with additional pushdown store, are considered. We investigate the power of unambiguous AuxPDA, i.e., machines that have at most one accepting computation, and ambiguity bounded AuxPDA.Recently, it was shown by Buntrock, Hemachandra, and Siefkes that space bounded Turing machines, whose computation trees have moderate ambiguity, can be eciently simulated by unambiguous AuxPDA with same space bound. This paper shows that such an ecient simulation is also possible for AuxPDA. The simulation incorporates no space and time penalty, unless the ambiguity is very high.By similar methods it is shown that unambiguous AuxPDA can eciently simulate a certain class of unambiguous, semi-unbounded fan-in circuits, which answers an open question posed by Lange.Finally, obliviousness for AuxPDA is considered and it is proved that unambiguous Aux-PDA work w.l.o.g. with a very limited amount of space on the pushdown store, a result that is already known for deterministic and nondeterministic AuxPDA.