Consider the problem of computing the riskiness ρ(F (S)) of a financial position F written on the underlying S with respect to a general law invariant risk measure ρ; for instance, ρ can be the average value at risk. In practice the true distribution of S is typically unknown and one needs to resort to historical data for the computation. In this article we investigate rates of convergence of ρ(F (S N )) to ρ(F (S)), where S N is distributed as the empirical measure of S with N observations. We provide (sharp) non-asymptotic rates for both the deviation probability and the expectation of the estimation error. Our framework further allows for hedging, and the convergence rates we obtain depend neither on the dimension of the underlying stocks nor on the number of options available for trading.Let us first consider the case of plain risk measures, without trading or optimization issues. Denote the underlying by S and by µ its distribution, that is, µ is a probability measure on some measurable space X and S is a random variable distributed according to µ. Given a financial position F : X → R written on S, the task is to compute ρ µ (F ) := ρ(F (S)) where ρ is a law invariant convex risk measure. In practice however, the true distribution µ is unavailable, and one often resort to historical data. This means that instead of ρ µ (F ) one computes the (plug-in) estimator ρ µN (F ), where µ N is the empirical measure built from N i.i.d. historical observations of the underlying S. As we will soon observe, while this estimator is consistent, it typically underestimates the true risk ρ µ (F ). Thus an essential question for risk managers is:How far is ρ µN (F ) from ρ µ (F ) for a fixed sample size N ?