U n c e rta in ty Q u a n tific a tio n , R a re Events, and M is s io n O p tim iza tio n : S to ch astic V a ria tio n s of M e ta l T e m p e ra tu re D uring a T ra n s ie n t Gas turbines are designed to follow specific missions and the metal temperature is usu ally predicted with deterministic methods. However, in the real life, the mission is sub jected to strong variations which can affect the thermal response o f the components. This paper presents a stochastic analysis o f the metal temperature variations during a gas tur bine transient. A Monte Carlo method (MCM) with meta-model is used to evaluate the probability distribution o f the stator disk temperature. The MCM is applied to a series o f computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations o f a stator well, whose geometry is modified according to the deformations predicted during the engine cycle by a coupled thermomechanical analysis o f the metal components. It is shown that even considering a narrow band fo r the stochastic output, ± a , the transient thermal gradients can be up to two orders o f magnitude greater than those obtained with a standard deterministic analy sis. Moreover, a small variation in the tail o f the input probability density function (PDF), a rare event, can have serious consequences on the uncertainty level o f the tem perature. Rare events although inevitable they are not usually considered during the design phase. In this paper, it is shown fo r the first time that is possible to mitigate their effect, minimizing the maximum standard deviation induced by the tail o f the input PDF. The mission optimization reduces the maximum standard deviation by 15% and the mean standard deviation o f about 12%. The maximum thermal gradients are also reduced by 10%, although this was not the parameter used as the goal in the optimization study.