Copper carbodiimide, CuNCN, is a geometrically frustrated nitrogen-based analog of cupric oxide, whose magnetism remains ambiguous. Here, we employ a combination of local-probe techniques, including 63, 65 Cu nuclear quadrupole resonance, 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance and muon spin rotation to show that the magnetic ground state of the Cu 2+ (S = 1/2) spins is frozen and disordered. Moreover, these complementary experiments unequivocally establish the onset of an intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetic state at T h = 80 K. Below T h , the low-temperature frozen component coexists with the remnant high-temperature dynamical component down to T l = 20 K, where the latter finally ceases to exist. Based on a scaling of internal magnetic fields of both components we conclude that the two components coexist on a microscopic level. arXiv:1806.05486v2 [cond-mat.str-el]