This paper’s primary objective is to segment the online marketplace of the Canary Islands’ museums by using different conversion funnel metrics. Little systematic research exists on digital user behaviour, and much less is known about how to segment cultural users with structured data from manually extracted and SEO software sources. With this aim in mind, we built a database with data related to the different phases of the conversion funnel of the museums to segment this online museum marketplace. In the findings, not only do we acknowledge the existence of different segments, but we also provide insight into the user’s digital behaviour by considering different metrics from the different phases of the conversion model process (awareness, consideration, conversion and loyalty). The originality of this paper is multifold. Firstly, it estimates the potential optimisation of these websites to improve the digital marketing implemented by the museum sector of the Canary Islands. Secondly, it sheds light on what benchmarking tactics and statistics procedures can be followed to carry out a non-hierarchical segmentation with standardised and comparable data. Thirdly, it contributes to the literature of digital marketing by eclectically combining the conversion funnel model, benchmarking techniques and non-hierarchical segmentation procedures.