This study examined the effect of toxic leadership on organisational silence in selected faith-based organisations in Ogun State, Nigeria. It debates that securing endurable paths to organisation success requires keen attention to the menace of organisational silence, and this does not leave out organisations that base their business operations on certain fundamental doctrines, corporate practices, or religious believes. Survey research design was adopted. The population of the study was seven hundred and seventy-five (775) staff drawn from the selected faith-based organisations in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted multi-stage sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was adapted, validated and used for data collection. Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Analysis ranged 0.704 to 0.775. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that Toxic leadership had significant effect on Organisational silence (Adj. R 2 = 0.475; F (4, 361) = 83.60, p<0.05). This revealed that organisational silence exists as a result of toxic leadership, and to this end, employers and managers are expected to take every affordable step to weaken the weight of organisational silence by deploying quality leadership that encourages cross fertilization of ideas, creativity, ingenuousness and knowledge extension among employers, managers and employees.