26-year-old patient presents to the dermatology clinic with severe nodulocystic scarring acne. The patient identifies as a transgender male and notes that he has been receiving hormone replacement therapy for the past 4 years with weekly intramuscular testosterone injections. He has not had any gender-affirming surgeries and reports being currently amenorrhoeic. He is currently practicing abstinence. The patient has had his gender category legally changed to male on his driver's license. He reports a long history of moderate acne, which significantly worsened after beginning masculinizing hormonal therapy with testosterone. The patient has tried doxycycline in the past as well as topical therapies including benzoyl peroxide with limited success and is now interested in isotretinoin therapy. The dermatologist notes that iPLEDGE requires physicians to register patients in one of three categories: male, female of non-childbearing potential, or female of child-bearing potential. The dermatologist should: