Direct band-gap semiconductors play the central role in optoelectronics. In this regard, monolayer (ML) MX 2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) has drawn increasing attention due to its novel optoelectronic properties stemming from the direct band-gap and valley degeneracy. Unfortunately, the more practically usable bulk and multilayer MX 2 have indirect-gaps. It is thus highly desired to turn bulk and multilayer MX 2 into direct band-gap semiconductors by controlling external parameters. Here, we report angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) results from Rb dosed MoSe 2 that suggest possibility for electric field induced indirect to direct band-gap transition in bulk MoSe 2 . The Rb concentration dependent data show detailed evolution of the band-gap, approaching a direct band-gap state. As ionized Rb layer on the surface provides a strong electric field perpendicular to the surface within a few surface layers of MoSe 2 , our data suggest that direct band-gap in MoSe 2 can be achieved if a strong electric field is applied, which is a step towards optoelectronic application of bulk materials.Whether a semiconductor has a direct or indirect band-gap greatly affects its optical properties; excitons in direct band-gap semiconductors, for example, strongly couple to photons. For such reason, direct band-gap semiconductors can be used for optoelectronic applications such as light emitting and laser diodes 1, 2 . Monolayer 2H-MX 2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se) also have a direct band-gap and have drawn considerable attention due to their novel electronic properties as described by the Massive Dirac-Fermion model 3,4 . The coupling between the valley degree of freedom and circularly polarized light opened the field of valley Hall effect 5,6 . Such intriguing physics can be realized only in 1 ML 2H-MX 2 because multi-layer 2H-MX 2 has an indirect band gap and thus does not strongly couple to light. Photoluminescence and photo absorption spectroscopy experiments indeed show that photon-exciton coupling is strong only in 1 ML 2H-MX 2 7-10 .Making bulk MX 2 a direct gap material would be highly desirable because the necessity for high quality ML MX 2 puts severe limitation on the actual application. There were many computational or experimental studies in search of a way to control the band structure and gap size in bulk 2H-MX 2 . It was found that the band gap size of TMDs can be modified by using various methods such as strain [11][12][13][14][15][16][17] , chemical doping [18][19][20][21][22] , electric field 12, 23-26 , making heterostructures 12, 27-31 and using different substrates for thin films [32][33][34][35] . However, there has not been any proposal to induce direct band gap in bulk MX 2 .Alkali metal atoms evaporated on the surface of a sample not only dope electrons to the sample but also generate a strong electric field near surface 36 . Our strategy to the issue of inducing a direct gap is to apply a strong electric field perpendicular to the MoSe 2 layers by using such alkali metal dosing. Valence band dispersions...