PostprintThis is the accepted version of a paper published in Journal of Travel Research. This paper has been peer-reviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.
Citation for the original published paper (version of record):Chekalina, T., Fuchs, M., Lexhagen, M. (2017) Customer-based destination brand equity modelling: The role of destination resources, value-for money and value-in-use.
Journal of Travel ResearchAccess to the published version may require subscription. N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper.
Permanent link to this version: This study contributes to the development of knowledge on transferring the concept of customer-based brand equity to a tourism destination context. Keller's (2009) brand equity pyramid is utilized as the comparison framework to reveal similarities but also overlaps, differences and gaps on both the conceptual and measurement level of existing brand equity models for destinations. Particularly, the inner core of the model depicts the complex mechanisms of how destination resources transform into benefits for tourists overlooked by prior research. This study proposes a customer-based brand equity model for destinations, which consists of five dependent constructs, including awareness, loyalty, and three destination brand promise constructs constituting the inner core of the model, namely, destination resources, value-in-use and value-for-money. The model was repeatedly tested for the leading Swedish mountain destination Åre, by using a linear structural equation modelling approach. Findings confirm the path structure of the proposed model.
Customer-based destination brand equity modelling -The role of destination resources, value-for-money and value-in-useAbstract: This study contributes to the development of knowledge on transferring the concept of customer-based brand equity to a tourism destination context. Keller's (2009) brand equity pyramid is utilized as the comparison framework to reveal similarities but also overlaps, differences and gaps on both the conceptual and measurement level of existing brand equity models for destinations. Particularly, the inner core of the model depicts the complex mechanisms of how destination resources transform into benefits for tourists overlooked by prior research. This study proposes a customer-based brand equity model for destinations, which consists of five dependent constructs, including awareness, loyalty, and three destination brand promise constructs constituting the inner core of the model, namely, destination resources, value-in-use and value-for-money. The model was repeatedly tested for the leading Swedish mountain destination Åre, by using a linear structural equation modelling approach. Findings confirm the path structure of the proposed model.Key words: destination branding, customer-based brand equity, destination resources, valuefor-money, value-in-use, destination loyalty To answer these quest...