“…More recent research that utilized quasi-experimental or single group longitudinal designs found that families who utilized ADS reported significant decreases in caregiver stress and depression (Cho, Zarit, & Chiriboga, 2009; Femia, Zarit, Stephens, & Greene, 2007; Gaugler, Jarrott, Zarit, Stephens, Townsend, & Greene, R., 2003a; Gaugler et al, 2003b; Warren, Kerr, Smith, & Schalm, 2003; Zank, & Schacke, 2002; Zarit, Stephens, Townsend, & Greene, 1998; Zarit et al, 2011; Zarit, Kim, Femia, Almeida, & Klein, 2013). A variety of descriptive studies have also examined variations in ADS design, service delivery, and utilization of ADS (Bull, 2011; Cohen-Mansfield & Wirtz, 2007; Dabelko-Schoeny & Balaswamy, 2000; Douglass & Visconti, 1998; Iecovich & Biderman, 2013; Skarupski et al, 2008). …”