This article is devoted to the study of new exact analytical solutions in the background of Reissner-Nordström space-time by using gravitational decoupling via minimal geometric deformation approach. To do so, we impose the most general equation of state, relating the components of the θ-sector in order to obtain the new material contributions and the decoupler function f (r). Besides, we obtain the bounds on the free parameters of the extended solution to avoid new singularities. Furthermore, we show the finitude of all thermodynamic parameters of the solution such as the effective densityρ, radialp r and tangentialp t pressure for different values of parameter α and the total electric charge Q. Finally, the behavior of some scalar invariants, namely the Ricci R and Kretshmann R µνω R µνω scalars are analyzed. It is also remarkable that, after an appropriate limit, the deformed Schwarzschild black hole solution always can be recovered. Although the above is also true, the Schwarzschild solution is described only by the mass M parameter, the Reissner-Nordström solution [2, 3] is characterized by mass M and electric charge Q whereas the Kerr spacetime [4] is painted by mass M and angular momentum J charges. Moreover, the most general solution of this type is the Kerr-Newman space-time [5] characterized by mass M , electric charge Q, and angular momentum J. The existence of these conserved charges is supported by the non-hair conjecture [6], which states that these solutions should not carry any other charges. Nonethe-arXiv:1909.00500v1 [gr-qc]