“…However, the field has come of age as an ecological and management tool in the past two decades (Elith & Leathwick, ; Guillera‐Arroita et al., ; Guisan & Thuiller, ). Species distribution models (SDMs) are used to infer range extent and niche breadth, as well as to predict the effects of changing climate (Pearson & Dawson, ; Thomas et al., ) and spread after invasive species introductions (Ficetola, Thuiller, & Miaud, ), to quantify community interactions (Clark, Gelfand, Woodall, & Zhu, ; Pollock et al., ), and to inform management of threatened species (Dicko et al., ; Guisan et al., ). Many of the most heavily referenced ecological papers in recent years define methods used for modelling species distributions (e.g.…”