Dedicated to spectroscopic and imaging observations of the ultraviolet sky, the World Space Observatory -Ultraviolet mission is a Russian-Spanish collaboration. The project consists of a 1.7m telescope with instrumentation able to perform: a) high resolution (R ≥50 000) spectroscopy by means of two echellé spectrographs covering the 115-310 nm spectral range; b) long slit (1x75 arcsec) low resolution (R ∼ 1000) spectroscopy with a near-UV channel and a far-UV channel to cover the 115-305 nm spectral range; c) near-UV and a far-UV imaging channels covering the 115-320 nm wavelength range; d) slitless spectroscopy with spectral resolution of about 500 in the full 115-320 nm spectral range.Here we present the WSO-UV focal plane instruments, their status of implementation, and the expected performances.