The ratio of vaginal hysterectomy to abdominal hysterectomy in the UK is 1:3. It is well known that patients who have had a vaginal hysterectomy recover better compared with abdominal hysterectomy. However, abdominal hysterectomy is the preferred method in most hospitals because it is deemed easier to do. With ERBE Biclamp diathermy forceps, vaginal hysterectomy could be safely and easily performed by gynaecologists. This study showed a different surgical technique for performing vaginal hysterectomy. It allowed easier and safer operations in patients with large uterus, fibroid uterus, where there was no uterine descent and narrow introitus. Also it allowed the adnexal appendages to be removed easily by the vaginal route. We compared 100 patients who had a vaginal hysterectomy performed using this method, with patients who had a vaginal hysterectomy performed by the conventional method using sutures. We found that we could safely perform vaginal hysterectomy with greater ease. Also, the need for postoperative analgesia was less and the patients were discharged earlier. Consequently, the patients' convalescence period was shorter and better.