Objective: Based on the results of a complete investigation into teenage promiscuity in Medan, this paper measures the perception of dating styles of high school students.
Metodh: The research applies a quantitative design with an online survey method via Google Forms. The research was conducted online during November 2023. Research data was obtained through a questionnaire with 25 questions developed based on various expert opinions regarding teenage dating styles. the data analysis applies the dichotomous Rasch model with the consideration that the questionnaire answers were scored 1 for a Yes answer and 0 for a No answer. This research sample consisted of 274 high school students in Medan City, Indonesia (185 women, 89 men) using nonprobability sampling techniques.
Result: The measurement results show that high school students in Medan consider dating a common thing nowadays, and it is getting easier to communicate during dating with the presence of social media.
Conclussion. The results of research on adolescent disagreement are shown in several aspects, such as the presence of negative impacts or indications of violence in dating. A finding that is also quite interesting is the difference between the answers of male and female respondents regarding the acceptance of violence during dating. Based on the respondents' answers, it was found that the majority of female respondents received violent dating.
Suggestion: Based on the findings of this research, further measurement is needed of the things that influence teenagers' dating styles, which lead to negative impacts such as violence in dating through education in the school environment.