In this paper we study the dynamics of the constrained n-dimensional rigid body (the Suslov problem). We give a review of known integrable cases in three dimensions and present their higher dimensional generalizations.
The Suslov problemThe equations of nonholonomic systems are not Hamiltonian. They are Hamiltonian with respect to the almost-Poisson brackets [5]. This is the reason that the integration theory of constrained mechanical systems is less developed then for unconstrained ones. However, in some solvable nonholonomic systems with an invariant measure, the phase space is foliated by invariant tori, placing these systems together with integrable Hamiltonian systems (see [6,1,9,20,14,8]).In this paper we are interested in the integrability of multidimensional generalizations of the Suslov nonholonomic rigid body problem.Consider an n-dimensional rigid body motion around the fixed point O = (0, 0, . . . , 0) in R n . The configuration space is the Lie group SO(n). The matrix g ∈ SO(n) maps the orthonormal frame E 1 , . . . , E n fixed in the space to the frame e 1 = g · E 1 , . . . , e n = g · E n fixed in the body, e 1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0) t , . . . , e n = (0, . . . , 0, 1) t . For a motion g(t) ∈ SO(n), the angular velocity and momentum (in body coordinates) are Ω(t) = g −1 · g(t) and M = J(Ω) respectively. J : so(n) → so(n) * is the inertia tensor and has the form: M = J(Ω) = IΩ + ΩI, where I is symmetric n×n matrix called mass tensor (see [8]). Here we identified so(n) and so(n) * by the Killing scalar product.Suppose that additional left-invariant constraints a i , Ω = 0, i = 1, . . . , r