Cereals are a significant agricultural product group with the highest cultivation area and production in Turkey. Among these cereals, barley is an important cereal used in human and animal nutrition, and the most widelycultivated plant after wheat. There are biotic and abiotic factors which affect the yield and quality parameters of barley. Of the biotic factors, barley leaf stripe (agent: Pyrenophora graminea (anamorph: Drechslera graminea) is an important fungal disease. Infections can occur in diseased seeds and in the presence of suitable environmental conditions. Hence, the use of disease-free seeds and resistant cultivars (cvs.) against this pathogen are crucial. With this in mind, this study was carried out with a highly virulent isolate of Pyrenophora graminea, obtained from the Disease and Pest Resistance Unit culture collection in 57 registered barley cultivars in the greenhouses of the Central Research Institute of Field Crops (TARM) in 2021. The experiments were conducted in 3 replications in a randomized block design. Of 57 registered barley cultivars 62%, 15% and 36% of these barley cultivars expressed resistance, moderate resistance, and susceptible reactions, respectively. As a result of the analysis of variance performed on the results obtained, it was concluded that the difference between the mean values of 57 varieties was statistically significant at 1% level (P