Aim. To analyse the effectiveness of the Visegrad Group within the EU and its role in the regional cooperation in order to understand whether this group can serve as a proper model for European integration. Methodology. The research was conducted using the methods of qualitative research, content and discourse analysis of primary and secondary sources, and case study. The basis of qualitative research was formed by an analysis and interpretation of single treaties, declarations and other decisions made by the Visegrad Group throughout its functioning, which have had an important impact on the development of the region, single countries and the EU as a whole. Results. The findings confirmed that regional cooperation in a specific format is beneficial for the application of democratic principles during the process of regime transition. In addition, such a partnership is helpful in encouraging, developing and implementing projects representing common interests. Research implications. This research contributes to the studies of Central and Eastern Europe and can serve as a case study in the research of regional cooperation. From a practical perspective, the findings can be used to forecast possible cooperation and development in certain spheres of the studied region, which can be beneficial, e.g. when designing specific policies towards the Visegrad Group