Measuremellt of accurate spa/wi distribution of temperature and temperclfllre flltclIlarion ill aflame is importam to study the cO/llbu~·tiol/ process ill detail. IlIlhis paper first we have presented nreasuremellt of temperarure profile of a gaseous fla/llf! of {I /Wodimellsional slot burner. The erm,.~, due to halu effect in the measuremellts oltemperature are minimized by correcting the width ofthe/rillges. Further single e).posure speckle photography is used to study temperarurej1uctlf(ltion illside thej1ame. The 3-D plot of temperature fluctuation for differem fuel flow rates of air alld aeety/elle at different vertical heights above the mouth of the bumer with distance from the one elld of the .burner is also presented.