In general, the native tocopherols in polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as cottonseed oil, corn oil and their lightly hydrogenated products include sufficient vitamin E for growth, reproduction, lactation and normal lipid metabolism in the rat. The administration of vitamin E to animals fed diets deficient in essential fatty acids (e.g., a hydrogenated coconut oil or a fat‐free diet) does not stimulate growth or reproductive performance per se, although testes development in the male rats is improved and some improvement in lipid metabolism is also noted. Hemolysis of the erythrocytes in vitro by hydrogen peroxide is increased in animals on diets rich (30%) in polyunsaturated vegetable oils or on diets providing no essential fatty acids at all. However, the conditions of the in vitro hemolysis test are not related to those in vivo and the in vitro test is not a measure of erythrocyte fragility. In addition, the in vitro hemolysis test does not necessarily reflect plasma tocopherol levels nor an abnormal nutritional state as a result of subsistence on high linoleate, low tocopherol intake, but rather measures the susceptibility to oxidation of a labile biological substrate and indicates the effective balance between potentially oxidizable lipids (polyunsaturates) in the stroma of the red blood cell and the antioxidant present (tocopherol or vitamin E). The labile lipid substrate may be either of exogenous origin (diet) or may be formed endogenously through tissue synthesis (as a result of an essential fatty acid deficiency). It is concluded that the in vitro hemolysis test may not be a valid indicator of vitamin E nutriture unless it is used in conjunction with other nutritional tests.