Time-of-flight SIMS (ToF-SIMS) imaging offers a modality for simultaneously visualizing the spatial distribution of different surface species. However, the utility of ToF-SIMS datasets may be limited by their large size, degraded mass resolution and low ion counts per pixel. Through denoising and multivariate image analysis, regions of similar chemistries may be differentiated more readily in ToF-SIMS image data. Three established denoising algorithms -down-binning, boxcar and wavelet filtering -were applied to ToF-SIMS images of different surface geometries and chemistries. The effect of these filters on the performance of principal component analysis (PCA) was evaluated in terms of the capture of important chemical image features in the principal component score images, the quality of the principal component score images and the ability of the principal components to explain the chemistries responsible for the image contrast. All filtering methods were found to improve the performance of PCA for all image datasets studied by improving capture of image features and producing principal component score images of higher quality than the unfiltered ion images. The loadings for filtered and unfiltered PCA models described the regions of chemical contrast by identifying peaks defining the regions of different surface chemistry. Down-binning the images to increase pixel size and signal was the most effective technique to improve PCA performance.