Since 1999, the Centers for Disease Control have trained over 10,000 service providers from more than 5,000 agencies to implement evidence-based HIV prevention interventions through its Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBI) program. Based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a convenience sample of 22 HIV prevention service providers from 8 agencies in Wisconsin who participated in DEBI training, this article explores providers’ motivations for attending DEBI training, perceptions of the utility and value of the DEBI program, and criticisms of the program. Providers indicated that they attended training as part of general skill-building efforts, as a way to improve services through the adoption of evidence-based interventions, and to better meet client needs. DEBI training participants were critical of the program's “top down” approach, perceived lack of fit between the DEBI and their target populations, and what they perceived as a lack of evidence that the interventions would work with their particular populations. These results suggest that in order for the DEBI program to be more widely accepted, the experiences and expertise of providers need to be more fully integrated into the processes of developing, disseminating, and adapting evidence-based HIV prevention interventions.