• The coupling of the entrapment and the polarization of the nonbonding lone electrons by the densely entrapped core and bonding electrons derives emerging properties that the bulk counterpart does not show.• imilar to the lone pairs and dipoles, the polarized lone electrons neither follow the dispersion relationships nor occupy the allowed states in the valence band and below but they generate the midgap impurity states near E F .• Polarization happens at sites with even lower atomic CN, which gives rise to the non-zero spin (carrier of topologic insulator), conductor-insulator transition, surface plasmonic enhancement, and the superhydrophobicity, superfluidity, superlubricity, and supersolidity.• The dominance of entrapment derives the acceptor type catalysis and the dominance of polarization results in donor-type catalyst of metals at the nanoscale.• These emerging attributes become more significant when the atomic CN is even lower. UV irradiation, hydrogenation or contamination may annihilate these features.
Significance of Non-Bonding ElectronsAlthough they exist ubiquitously in the human bodies and our surroundings, the impact of the non-bonding lone electrons and lone-electron pairs has long been underestimated. In addition to the shorter and stronger bonds between undercoordinated atoms that initiate the size trends of the otherwise constant bulk properties when a substance turns into the nanoscale, the presence of the lone electrons nearby the broken bonds generate the fascinating phenomena that bulk materials do not show. The lone-electron pairs and the lone-pair-induced dipoles associated with C, N, O, and F tetrahedral coordination bonding form functional groups in the biologic, organic, and inorganic specimens. This section will focus on the development and applications of theory regarding the energetics and dynamics of nonbonding electrons, aiming to raise the awareness of their revolutionary impact to C. Q. Sun,