“…Linking the moral value of human behavior solely to its impact on, or relationship with, other humans—regardless of whether those humans have already been born or not—might also be interpreted as “speciesism”: that is, “the unjustified disadvantageous consideration or treatment of those who are not classified as belonging to a certain species” (Horta, 2010, p. 1). Although animals can be considered dependent stakeholders (Janssens, 2022), or “defenseless Others” (Hatami & Firoozi, 2019), with legitimate claims to living well, it would appear that in the debate on animal welfare, human welfare is accorded considerably more weight, and it is the human species that is seen as deserving of greater attention when assessing the moral value of “responsible” human behavior towards animals (Browning, 2023; Labatut et al, 2016; Mellahi & Wood, 2005; Sayers et al, 2019, 2021; Tallberg et al, 2021; Tallberg & Hamilton, 2022; Thomas, 2022b).…”