Numerous behavioral studies have demonstrated a rhythmic priming effect (RPE) on grammatical processing using grammaticality judgment tasks (GJT), where participants performed better following regular rhythmic sequences compared to baseline conditions or irregular rhythmic sequences (i.e. auditory rhythmic sequences with violated metrical structure). Only a few studies, however, have explored neurophysiological RPE in grammatical processing. Such neurophysiological investigations have been limited to GJT presented auditorily, have been primarily focused on the French- and German-speaking adult participants, and have rarely used baseline nonpriming conditions. The objective of the present study was to investigate neurophysiological correlates of the RPE in the GJT presented in visual modality. In the current study, we registered a 128-channel electroencephalogram while Russian-speaking adolescents performed a visual GJT, where each sentence was presented word by word in a self-paced manner. Before each experimental block, participants listened to regular rhythmic sequences, irregular rhythmic sequences, or silence. We observed that the late negativity in the event-related potential was larger for the ungrammatical condition compared to the grammatical condition only after the presentation of irregular rhythmic sequences. This effect, referred to as the N600 component in previous research, has been associated with increased cognitive complexity. In conclusion, results suggest that exposure to irregular rhythmic stimulation may lead to increased cognitive demand. This is attributed to the complexity associated with concurrently executing the GJT and managing rhythmic disruption, consequently increasing the strain on working memory resources.