Los documentos de trabajo del Ivie ofrecen un avance de los resultados de las investigaciones económicas en curso, con objeto de generar un proceso de discusión previo a su remisión a las revistas científicas. Al publicar este documento de trabajo, el Ivie no asume responsabilidad sobre su contenido.Ivie working papers offer in advance the results of economic research under way in order to encourage a discussion process before sending them to scientific journals for their final publication. Ivie's decision to publish this working paper does not imply any responsibility for its content.La Serie EC, coordinada por Matilde Mas, está orientada a la aplicación de distintos instrumentos de análisis al estudio de problemas económicos concretos.Coordinated by Matilde Mas, the EC Series mainly includes applications of different analytical tools to the study of specific economic problems.Todos los documentos de trabajo están disponibles de forma gratuita en la web del Ivie http://www.ivie.es, así como las instrucciones para los autores que desean publicar en nuestras series.Working papers can be downloaded free of charge from the Ivie website
AbstractIn a sample of large private Spanish subsidiaries, we find that the magnitude of discretionary accruals is significantly higher when the parent company is foreign than when it is local. Our tests support the thesis of recent research on earnings management strategies within multinational corporations (MNCs), suggesting that the parent company's incentives underlie the observed negative relation between foreign ownership and financial reporting quality at the subsidiary level. In particular, we observe that: (1) the tenure of the controlling shareholder has a negative incremental effect on financial reporting quality in firms under foreign control, but not in subsidiaries of local groups; and (2) the negative association between foreign ownership and financial reporting quality is mainly driven by the subsample of subsidiaries with parent companies located in countries with higher institutional quality than Spain.H3: the relation between foreign ownership and financial reporting quality is sensitive to the institutional quality in the parent company's country of origin.