“…It is well established that wind noise can be greater at the output of a directional microphone than an omni-directional microphone (Beard and Nepomuceno, 2001; Thompson and Dillon, 2002;Chung et al, 2009Chung et al, , 2010. The long-term-average, wind-noise spectrum can vary with wind azimuth (horizontal plane), style of hearing aid, and/or hearing-aid shell design for a particular hearing-aid style (Dillon et al, 1999(Dillon et al, , 2000Grenner et al, 2000;Beard and Nepomuceno, 2001;Thompson and Dillon, 2002;Chung et al, 2009Chung et al, , 2010. Some studies have also shown that wind-noise levels increase with wind speed (Beard and Nepomuceno, 2001;Chung et al, 2009Chung et al, , 2010.…”