“…Though historically underrepresented among the ranks of entrepreneurs (Baron et al , 2001; Haus et al , 2013; Markussen and Røed, 2017; Rouse et al , 2013), the Women's Entrepreneurship Report from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor shows that female entrepreneurship is on an upward trend globally, with the total entrepreneurial activity among women increasing 10% and the gender gap narrowing by 5% since 2014 (Kelley et al , 2017). Despite this encouraging news, however, women are still an underrepresented population among entrepreneurs (Guzman and Kacperczyk, 2019; Neill et al , 2017; Rocha and van Praag, 2020), continue to face more barriers to entrepreneurial activity than their male counterparts when accessing resources (Carter et al , 2003; Morris et al , 2006; Lindvert et al , 2017; Ross and Shin, 2019) and face significantly greater challenges when pursuing high-growth ventures (Hechavarria et al , 2019). Not surprisingly, explanations for why these differences manifest frequently focus on contextual factors.…”