ABSTRACT. In 1963, W. Charles Holland proved that every lattice-ordered group can be embedded in the lattice-ordered group of all order-preserving permutations of a totally ordered set. In this article we examine the context and proof of this result and survey some of the many consequences of the ideas involved in this important theorem.
GenesisIn 1957, P. M. Cohn noted that Cayley's (right regular) Representation Theorem applies immediately to right-ordered groups [12]. That is, let G be a group with a total order that is preserved by multiplication on the right. Embed G in the group A(G) := Aut(G, ≤) of all order-preserving permutations of the set (G, ≤) via the right regular representation; i.e., f (gϑ) = fg (f, g ∈ G). Now A(G) can be right totally ordered as follows: let ≺ be any well-ordering of the set G and define a < b iff α 0 a < α 0 b, where α 0 is the least element of G (under ≺) of the support of ba −1 . If we choose ≺ so that its least element is the identity of G, then the right regular embedding preserves the group operation and the total order:What can one do if the order on G is not total, even if multiplication on the left also preserves the partial order? The easiest situation would be to 2010 M a t h e m a t i c s S u b j e c t C l a s s i f i c a t i o n: Primary 06F15, 20F60, 20B27, 20F10. K e y w o r d s: totally ordered set, permutation group, representation, primitive permutation group, amalgamation, free product with amalgamated subgroup, right-orderable group, normal subgroups, Bergman property, outer automorphism groups.