This December issue of Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia (Makara Hubs-Asia) features papers from the two mini-symposia that were held in 2019 as well as other papers that resonate with the themes of the symposia. This year Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia (Makara Hubs-Asia) got the opportunity to host two mini-symposia. The first symposium took place in January 2019, carrying the theme Young People and Media. The presence of digital media has made it part of today's children and families in many places around the world, including in Asian countries. In Indonesia, for example, internet penetration has increased from approximately 34.5 percent in 2014 to 64.8 percent in 2018 (Indonesia Association of Internet Service Provider, 2017, 2018). The 2018 data from the Indonesia Association of Internet Providers showed that 66 and 91 percent of individuals aged 10-14 and 15-19, respectively, are connected to the Internet, suggesting the importance of digital technology in their life. On the one hand, the availability of the internet and communication technology provides affordances to young internet users (e.g., education, entertainment, media production, entrepreneurship). At the same time, today's youth encounters various online risks, including undesirable content, identity theft, and violation of privacy. The emergence of digital and mobile media and all changes that follow the presence of the technology brings new research opportunities as well as challenges for scholars to work on: How children, teens, and emerging adults use the new media? What are the effects of digital media content on youth and their behavior? How should parents and caregivers manage children's media use?