Abstract:The first known lithiated 1-azafulvene derivatives, e.g., 8 and 13a, were generated by a lowtemperature bromine-lithium exchange procedure with tert-butyllithium. These lithio species show substantial stability at 5-90°C because, at these temperatures, the sterically demanding 6-diisopropylamino moiety, unlike the dimethylamino group, completely inhibits nucleophilic addition to C-6. At higher temperatures, the addition of tert-butyllithium to C-6 is significant and it can become the dominant process. The lithio species 8 is a useful formal equivalent of 5-lithiopyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde since, on reaction with electrophilic reagents and subsequent hydrolysis, a wide variety of regiochemically pure 5-substituted pyrrole-2-carboxaldehydes is formed. The 6-dialkylamino-1-azafulvenes described herein exist predominantly or exclusively as the syn conformer in solution at room temperature. This conformational preference is confirmed by a significance NOE effect between H-4 and H-6 in the parent diisopropylamino compound 3f. The origin of the syn conformational preference stems from a substantial contribution of the charge-separated form 16 to the ground state structure of these compounds, a phenomenon that is strongly supported by variable temperature NMR measurements on 2-bromo-6-diisopropylamino-1 -azafulvene (3c).Key words: 2-bromo-6-diisopropylamino-1-azafulvenes, stereochemistry, lithiation, pyrrole-2-carboxaldehydes.
R6sum6: On a prCpar6 les premiers dCrivCs 1-azafulvtne lithits connus, 8 et 13a, par une mCthode dlCchange du brome et du lithium, basse temptrature, utilisant du terf-butyllithium. Ces esptces lithiCes presentent une stabilitC importante 2 des tempkratures 5 -90°C parce que, i ces temphatures, la portion 6-diisopropylamino, qui posstde une demande stCrique importante par rapport B celle du groupe dimCthylamino, inhibe complbtement I'addition nucltophile en C-6. A des tempkratures plus ClevCes, l'addition du tert-butyllithium en C-6 devient importante et, dans quelques cas, elle peut devenir prkdominante. L'espbce lithike 8 est un equivalent formel utile du 5-lithiopyrrole-2-carboxaldChyde puisque, par rCaction avec des rCactifs Clectrophiles et hydrolyse substquente, il y a formation d'une grande variCtC de pyrrole-2-carboxaldthydes substituCs en position 5 rtgiochimiquement purs. En solution, &la tempkrature ambiante, les 6-dialkylamino-lazafulvbnes dCcrits dans le prksent travail existent exclusivement ou d'une f a~o n prbdominante comme conform5res syn. Cette prCfCrence conformationnelle est confirmte par un EON important entre les H-4 et H-6 du composC parent diisopropylamino 3f. La prCfCrence conformationnelle syn provient d'une contribution Received December 12, 1994. This paper is dedicated to Professor Charles W. Jefford, Universiv of Geneva, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Syntex Research Postdoctorate Fellow, 1987-1989. Syntex Research Postdoctorate Fellow, 1987 Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. Telephone: (415) Can. J. Chem. Vol. 73, 1995 substantielle ...