Atocion lithuanicum (Zapał.) Tzvel. was originally described by H. Zapałowicz (1911) from Lithuanian and Volhynian Polissia as Silene lithuanica Zapał. Later it was included in Atocion Adans. by Tzvelev (2001). This species is distributed on poor sandy soils in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Belarus. In Lithuania and Ukraine, this species is considered as a rare Sarmatian endemic species and is therefore protected (Red data..., 2007; Andrienko et al., 2009). Atocion lithuanicum is morphologically similar to A. armeria (L.) Raf., the latter taxon was described by Linnaeus as Silene armeria L. from England and France ("Anglia, Gallia") with its current native range throughout Southern and Central Europe (from the Pyrenees to the Balkans and northeastern Anatolia). Atocion armeria is also widely cultivated (Europe,