Methods have been developed, using ' 3C n.m.r. spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, for the analysis of all eight cis and trans allylic 8-, 9 -, lo-, and 1 1 -hydroperoxides formed on autoxidation of methyl oleate.The autoxidation of fatty acids, and their derivatives, has received much attention recently because lipid hydroperoxides have been shown to be precursors of prostaglandin-related endoperoxides,2 and to play a role in photocarcinogenesis, in the destruction of proteins and bi~membranes,~ and in chemically induced t ~x i c i t y . ~ Although the autoxidation of methyl oleate (1) and related compounds has been the subject of many investigations (see for example 6-8), the stereochemical course of this reaction had not been fully established prior to the studies now reported (for preliminary publication see ref. 9).In view of the instability of the allylic hydroperoxides (3)-(6) formed on autoxidation of methyl oleate, attention was first directed to devising methods for the analysis of the mixtures of allylic alcohols (7)-(10) readily obtained by borohydride reduction of the initial autoxidation products (evidence is given later that these reductions involve no loss in stereochemistry). To develop suitable procedures for analysing such mixtures, four authentic hydroxyoctadecenoates, cis-and trans-(1 1) and (8), were prepared by unambiguous methods.The trans-isomer of (1 1) was conveniently obtained from ricinoleic acid (12), via the keto-ester (13), by known procedures (see Experimental section). Reaction of the silver salt of the readily available methyl undec-10-ynoate '**' * with heptanoyl chloride gave the expected acetylenic ketone (14). Reduction of
Me[CH,],CH=CH[CH,],CO,Me(1) cis-9 (2) Irans-9
Me[CH,],CH=CHCH(OOH)[CH,],CO,Me(3) x = 6, y = 7 (4) x = 7, y = 6
Me[CH,],CH(OOH)CH=CH[CH,],CO,Me(5) x = 6, y = 7 ( 6 ) x = 7, . Y = 6 Me[CH2],CH=CHCH(OH)[CH2],CO2Me (7) x = 6, y = 7 (8) x = 7, = 6 (9) x = 6, J.' = 7 (10) x = 7, 4' = 6 (11) x = 8, y = 5