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Read a case study on how we helped a researcherQuickly discover how a scientific article has been cited and if it has been supported or contrasted through Smart Citations. Smart Citations transform citations from a mere number into something that can be understood and digested on virtually any article you’re reading.
The scite browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari allows you to easily see how articles have been cited anywhere you’re reading online. It’s like having hundreds of millions of pieces of evidence on virtually any topic you’re interested in available to you only a click away.
Sign up for free and claim your articles to see how your own work has been cited. Email alerts allow you to keep track of new citations and see if others have found evidence that supports or contrasts your work. We offer ORCID integration too for easy sign-up and syncing of your articles.
Writing a research paper? The scite Reference Check allows you to easily upload your research articles to see how the references you’re citing have been cited by others. Ensure that you are citing reliable work by screening against retracted references and check to see if others have contrasted your references.
Keep track of emerging citations to trending topics and research areas with custom scite research dashboards. Get updated when a study gets supported, contrasted, or receives a new editorial notice such as retracted or withdrawn.
We've partnered with leading organizations to help researchers fundamentally change the way they do research.
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See what they're saying
scite is an incredibly clever tool. The feature that classifies papers on whether they find supporting or contrasting evidence for a particular publication saves so much time. It has become indispensable to me when writing papers and finding related work to cite and read.
Emir Efendić, Ph.D
Maastricht University
As a PhD student, I'm so glad that this exists for my literature searches and papers. Being able to assess what is disputed or affirmed in the literature is how the scientific process is supposed to work, and scite helps me do this more efficiently.
Kathleen C McCormick, Ph.D Student
scite is such an awesome tool! It’s never been easier to place a scientific paper in the context of the wider literature.
Mark Mikkelsen, Ph.D
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
This is a really cool tool. I just tried it out on a paper we wrote on flu/pneumococcal seasonality... really interesting to see the results were affirmed by other studies. I had no idea.
David N. Fisman, Ph.D
University of Toronto