Abstract. Fifty-eight formalin-fi xed par affin-embedd ed canine mammar y tum or s, 19 malignant and 39 benign, were used in th is stud y. T umors were ob tai ned fro m dogs sub mi tte d for surgica l resection of lesions at privat e veterinary pra ctices in Brussels or fro m the su rgery unit of the Fac ulty of Veterinary Med icine, University of Liege. Immunoh isto chem ical eva luation was performed , usin g mon oclon al anti bod ies directed against keratins 8-18 and 19, vime ntin, desmi n, and a -actin and polyclonal anti bod ies directed against high-molecular-weight keratins and S-I 00 protein. Th e main cell types, epithelial, myoepithelial, and connective, were identifi ed , and myoep ith elial cells represent ed the major com po nent of most tum ors, both benign and malignan t. Myoep ith elial cells had five patt ern s: resting and proliferati ve supra basa l cells, spindle and sta r-shaped inters titial cells, and cartilage. Reactivity to keratin 19, vimen tin, a -actin, and S-I00 prot ein suggested a prog ressi ve transformation from resting cells to cartilage. Epithelial cell reac tivities were lim ited to keratins; only keratinized cells were posit ive for polyclonal keratins. Myofibroblasts were positive for both vime ntin and a -actin, and connective tissue cells were posit ive for vi me ntin. Myoepithelial cells appeared to be th e major com po nent of carcino mas , j ustifying reeva luation and sim plification of histomorphologic class ifications, with a " pleomorphic carci no ma" gro up incl uding all carcinomas exce pt squa mo us, mucino us, and comedo carcino ma s. Imm unoh istochem ical evaluation, in add itio n to routine hem atoxylin and eos in histop ath ologic eval uation is recommended for precise classificati on of canine mammary tumors.Key words: Canine species; im m uno histoc hemis try; mamm ar y tum ors ; myoepithelial cells. After skin tumor s, mammary tumors ar e th e seco nd acteriza tio n and histogenesis. ", , · ' 5. ' 9.23,28 Epithe lial cells most frequent neoplasm in dogs ." Malignant tumors express cyto keratin filam ents, mesenchymal cells exocc ur sponta neously in elde rly animals->' or often de-press vimentin filam ents, and mu scle cells express desvelop on ben ign lesions. 2 -4.32 Canine mammary tumors min fila me nts. Ab out 20 d ifferent subtypes of kerat in s a re an exce llent mod el for th e study of human breast ha ve been describ ed acco rd ing to th eir molecular ca ncer. 8 , 16,25 They have sim ilar histol ogic origin and weight, and th ey are characteristically found in certa in comparable regional and systemi c metastasis, and th ey epi the lia. For example, in hum an mamma ry glands, appear in signi ficant number s at a sim ilar relati ve age." epithe lial cells ex press keratins 14 and 18.14 Markers However , freq uency o f th e vario us histologic types is othe r than interme d iate filaments can also be used to d ifferenL ' 7 ,22,26 ide ntify cell types, for exa m ple, a -actin m icrofil am ents Charac teris tica lly, canine mammary tum ors ha ve ...