Professional and domestic cleaning is associated with work-related asthma (WRA). This position paper reviews the literature linking exposure to cleaning products and the risk of asthma and focuses on prevention. Increased risk of asthma has been shown in many epidemiological and surveillance studies, and several case reports describe the relationship between exposure to one or more cleaning agents and WRA. Cleaning sprays, bleach, ammonia, disinfectants, mixing products, and specific job tasks have been identified as specific causes and/or triggers of asthma. Because research conclusions and policy suggestions have remained unheeded by manufactures, vendors, and commercial cleaning companies, it is time for a multifaceted intervention. Possible preventive measures encompass the following: substitution of cleaning sprays, bleach, and ammonia; minimizing the use of disinfectants; avoidance of mixing products; use of respiratory protective devices; and worker education. Moreover, we suggest the education of unions, consumer, and public interest groups to encourage safer products. In addition, information activities for the general population with the purpose of improving the knowledge of professional and domestic cleaners regarding risks and available preventive measures and to promote strict collaboration between scientific communities and safety and health agencies are urgently needed.In Europe, the fraction of adult asthma attributable to occupational exposure ranges between 10% and 25% (1). Workrelated asthma (WRA) includes occupational asthma (OA), caused by exposure to high or low molecular weight agents in the workplace, and work-exacerbated asthma (WEA), in which pre-existing or concurrent asthma is exacerbated by various work-related factors, such as accidental spills, second-hand cigarette smoke, or exertion (2, 3).Cleaners constitute a large professional group in developed countries. In industrial cleaning, about 30% are migrant workers and about 40% of women are domestic cleaners (4, 5). Professional and domestic cleaning has been associated with new-onset OA due to sensitizers and irritant exposure as well as WEA and respiratory symptoms without asthma (5-7).It is likely that nonoccupational physicians (general practitioners, allergologists, and pneumologists) frequently see Allergy 68 (2013) 1532-1545