scite allows you to easily see how any scientific article has been cited (supported, mentioned, or disputed) by subsequent research. We think of this as a superpower that enables you to efficiently assess articles you’re reading, and to uncover new studies. Citations are now more understandable beyond just a number that is provided by traditional citation indices.
To extend this power, we recently launched scite Visualizations (see example) to visualize citation networks, enabling you to see the conversation amongst multiple papers. This capability is also possible at the journal level with our journal dashboards, showing citation metrics for thousands of journals.
Today, we’re happy to announce the launch of do-it-yourself (DIY) dashboards, which allow you to create a custom dashboard based on any list of articles you want. If you are a researcher, this can be invaluable in helping you evaluate and track how articles from your reference library (Zotero, Endnote, Mendeley, Refworks, etc.) are cited. You can also use it to create “libraries” based on topics you’re following — for example, coronavirus research, or new pharmaceutical drugs. If you are an administrator at a research organization, you can make dashboards based on articles written by researchers in your organization to see how they’re cited by others. We created these dashboards based on requests from various groups to better examine articles, to give you flexibility and control over articles that you want to assess.
To create a custom dashboard, sign up at scite, choose “Create Custom Dashboard” from the drop-down list of tools, and upload a list of up to 1,000 DOIs you’d like to see citation metrics for. Any dashboards you make will currently be accessible from your user profile. If you wish to receive email alerts when an article on your dashboard gets a new cite, hit the bell next to the dashboard name.
This feature is still in beta, and there is a lot of work in the pipeline — including handling different upload formats, creating a more diverse set of dashboard components, and letting you completely customize how the dashboard looks. In the meantime, we’d love for you to try it out, see how we can make it more useful for you, and give us feedback.