Brooklyn, NY - September 12, 2022 - scite, an award-winning platform used by students and researchers to discover and understand the scientific literature better, has partnered with the JAMA Network, part of the American Medical Association (AMA), America’s oldest and largest professional association for physicians and medical students.
scite has developed a novel system that allows anyone reading research to see how and why an article has been cited by displaying citation statements–the in-text sentences where the article was referenced in each citing article. Through this partnership, scite will have access to the full-text of all articles published by the AMA, enhancing their discoverability and improving the coverage of scite. To date, scite has partnered with over two dozen major publishers, analyzing and indexing over 1.1 billion Smart Citations extracted from more than 31 million full-text articles.
“At the JAMA Network, we are interested in using innovative technology to ensure the broadest possible access to the research we publish,” said Vida Damijonaitis, Director, World Wide Sales at the JAMA Network, “this partnership with scite will help us to enhance the way our readers interact with our content.”
scite co-founder and CEO Josh Nicholson echoed this enthusiasm, noting that scite was “excited to partner with the AMA to further aid scientists, physicians, and other medical professionals in their research, continuing education, and patient care.”
scite is a Brooklyn-based startup that helps researchers better discover and evaluate scientific articles through Smart Citations that display the context of the citation and describe whether the article provides supporting or contrasting evidence. scite is used by researchers from around the world and is funded in part by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health.
The JAMA Network is a consortium of peer-reviewed, general medical and specialty journals and part of the American Medical Association, the premier national organization dedicated to empowering the nation’s physicians to continually provide safer, higher quality, and more efficient care for patients and communities.