To date, scite has extracted and analyzed over 640 million citation statements that cite more than 35M different articles. A massive amount of information that allows users to easily see the constantly evolving dialogue between scientific articles through Smart Citations, which show how subsequent research cites an article of interest by presenting the citation context, citation location, and citation type (supporting, disputing, or mentioning). Through this, users can easily surface debates and evidence that would otherwise be buried amongst a simple list of article titles.
This is a powerful way to look at scientific articles and the literature in general, but what does this information look like at the journal level? Which journal has received the most supporting citations? How does this journal look within a field of research and what is the ratio of supporting to disputing citations? Today, we are happy to announce the launch of scite journal dashboards to help you better answer such questions.
scite journal dashboards allow you to see how articles within a scientific journal have been cited by others, what the overall citation metrics are for that journal, how these journal metrics have changed over time, and what the most highly cited, supported, and disputed articles are within that journal. You can access this information from any scite report by clicking on the journal name, or directly from the new scite journal page.
We hope that by tracking supporting and disputing citations at the journal level we can help publishers and the research community start to promote reliability over impact at all costs, lifting up journals that publish sound work but may not have the highest impact factor. We have a lot more in the works for these dashboards, including information on how articles from a journal cite other articles, or retracted studies, graphical visualizations of the citation network of a journal’s publications, and the ability to create custom dashboards. In the meantime, if you have any feedback or questions about our dashboards feel free to email us at