
Below are journals in our system, along with their scite Index (SI) scores from 2023, and a count of how many supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations they've received in our database. You can sort the table on any combination of columns by shift-clicking, and also filter by the journal and publisher names (case insensitive). Please note that these numbers change regularly as we continue to index publications and add new Smart Citations to our system.
What is the scite Index?
The scite Index (SI) measures how supported publications from a journal are, and is calculated using the following formula:
For example, the 2019 2-year SI includes citations to articles published in 2018 and 2019. There must be at least 100 supporting and/or contrasting cites in the measuring period to receive an SI.

Note: Some of the columns are hidden for this display. To see the full details, please visit this page on a larger screen.

No.JournalPublisher2-Year SI5-Year SILifetime SITotal Cites Contrasting Supporting Mentioning
101.Cardiovascular ToxicologySpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.9316,835 70 877 15,586
102.BionanoscienceSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.957,373 16 317 6,891
103.Physica D Nonlinear PhenomenaElsevier BV-0.970.95297,495 418 7,958 285,635
104.Journal of Plasma PhysicsCambridge University Press (CUP)-0.970.9554,769 132 2,460 51,926
105.Translational ResearchElsevier BV-0.970.9155,249 191 1,872 51,921
106.International Journal of Multiphase FlowElsevier BV-0.970.94105,051 390 5,616 97,159
107.Flow Turbulence and CombustionSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.9524,328 75 1,552 22,528
108.Flow Turbulence and CombustionSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.9532,793 89 1,843 30,563
109.Liquid CrystalsInforma UK Limited-0.970.9262,951 243 2,881 59,003
110.Histochemistry and Cell BiologySpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.9390,681 369 4,664 84,167
111.Histochemistry and Cell BiologySpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.92124,596 582 6,727 115,342
112.Indian Journal of PhysicsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.939,717 31 422 9,184
113.Current Opinion in Structural BiologyElsevier BV-0.970.96239,950 208 4,597 233,242
114.GeochemistryElsevier BV-0.970.9315,520 64 809 14,412
115.The British Journal of Social WorkOxford University Press (OUP)-0.970.9456,807 98 1,548 52,769
116.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of ChinaElsevier BV-0.970.9442,732 113 1,772 39,773
117.Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied SciencesWorld Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt-0.970.9665,229 42 1,126 63,712
118.Journal of HydrometeorologyAmerican Meteorological Society-0.970.94129,830 334 5,365 123,098
119.Key Engineering MaterialsTrans Tech Publications, Ltd.-0.970.9270,176 187 2,230 65,776
120.FluidsMDPI AG-0.970.967,500 12 326 7,113
121.Reliability Engineering & System SafetyElsevier BV-0.970.94123,258 40 612 120,454
122.Ieee Transactions on CommunicationsInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-0.970.94317,190 172 2,651 311,007
123.Energy & Environmental MaterialsWiley-0.970.9712,161 6 209 11,913
124.Aerospace Science and TechnologyElsevier BV-0.970.9653,950 33 766 52,654
125.Bulletin of Earthquake EngineeringSpringer Science and Business Media LLC-0.970.9336,004 71 965 34,069