“…Young Teflon-stemmed greaseless vacuum tap, (3) Pyrex sinter (usually porosity grade 3), and (4) outside diameter, ;-in tubing for coupling to vacuum line using a $in 'Swagelok' union with Teflon ferrules. (b)Sublimation apparatus for mixing the vapours of (SN), and (PhCN,S,),: (1) two-tier sublimation tube, (2) upper tier in shape of an annular groove, containing (SN), crystals at 160 "C, (3) bottom tier, containing (PhCN,S,), crystals at 50 "C, (4) mixing-reaction zone filled with lightly compacted quartz wool (Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., type A), (5) cold-finger, (6) connection to a high vacuum unit, (7) J. Young greaseless ball joint, and (8) transparent resistance furnaces with control thermocouples and silver nitrate respectively.…”