to 6 M sulfuric acid suggesting that the transition state for acid hydrolysis consists of a proton, water, and the substrate which is TMGH+ (pKa = 13.6). In solutions more concentrated than 7.5 M H2S04, the observed second-order rate constants decreased and the occurrence of a side reaction of undetermined nature was indicated by the nmr spectra of the reaction solutions.Solvent Isotope Effect.-In 4 M sulfuric acid the solvent isotope effects, ^mso/^DiSo.) of 0.78 and 0.83 at 108.1 and 138.5°, respectively, are consistent with fast preequilibrium protonation of the substrate as indicated in eq 1. For the hydrolysis of lysidine in 4 M sulfuric acid at 90°, ÜhíSOi/d2so« is 0.71.2 Entropies of Activation.-From the rates of hydrolysis of TMG in 4 M sulfuric acid at 108.1 and 138.5°, activation parameters of AS = -25 eu and AH' = 27 kcal/mol may be calculated for the second-order rate constant fci/[H2S04], The entropy of activation is very similar to that observed for the acid hydrolysis of lysidine, -26 eu, and other A2 reactions.2