Water-soluble, quadrupolar (A-p-D-p-A) pyrrolo [3,2-b]pyrrole dyes have been prepared, and their photophysical properties, including solid-state fluorescence, are characterized. Analysis of packing patterns of the para analogue in single crystal shows negligible p-p interactions between molecular planes in stackedl ayers, resulting in no fluorescenceq uenching in the aggregate state. One of the dyes is used for fluorescence imaging of cellsb yc onfocal and two-photon microscopy,s howing potential applicability of such dyes as bioimaging agents.1,4-Dihydropyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles (PPs), ac lass of 10p-electron aromatic dihydroheteropentalenes, were discovered by Hemetsberger and Knittel in 1972. [1] These compoundsh ave received increasingi nterests ince Gryko and co-workersd eveloped ao ne-pot syntheticp rocess to access tetraaryl-pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrrolesi n2 013. [2] PPs have high thermala nd photostability, high fluorescenceq uantum yields,g ood absorptivity and opticalb rightness. [3] Along with thieno[3,2-b]thiophenes, PPs are also attractive materials in current optoelectronics [4] and in sensors. [5] Asidef rom othera pplications, PPsm ay also be usefula sb iologicali maging agents sincet heya re strongly fluorescenta nd have as ignificantt wo-photona bsorptionc ross-section. [6,7] Despiteo fs uchp otentialu sefulness, PPsh aveb eenr arelye valuated as fluorescentd yesf or bio-imaginga pplication,n ot to men-[a] Dr.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under http://dx.