Mitochondrial accumulation and respiratory inhibition are critical steps in the actions of N-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+), the toxic metabolite of the parkinsonism-inducing agent, N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. We examined the respiratory characteristics of 2-methylated fi-carbolines (2-MejBCs) and 2-methylated 3,4-dihydro-f3-carbolines (2-MeDHIBCs), which encompass the MPP+ structure. As indoleamine derivatives, they could have endogenous roles in idiopathic parkinsonism. With rat liver mitochondria, the order for inhibition of NAD'-linked 02 consumption (6-min preincubations) was as follows: MPP+ = 2-methylharmine > 2-methylharmol = 2-methylharmaline >> 2-methylharmalol > 2-methylnorharman > 6-OH-2-methyiharmalan >> 2-methylharman. Similar to MPP+, 2-MeDHI3C/2-MePC inhibition was potentiated by tetraphenylboron and reversed by dinitrophenol, consistent with the involvement of cationic forms. However, the participation of neutral forms was indicated by the 2-MeDHfiC/2-MeBC inhibitory time courses, which were unlike MPP+. The neutral forms probably arise via indolic nitrogen deprotonation because the characteristics of a cationic .-carboline that cannot N-deprotonate, 2,9-dimethylnorharman, mirrored MPP+ rather than 2-MeCs. Succinate-supported respiration was also significantly blocked by 2-MeDHI3Cs/2-MefiCs, but results with tetraphenylboron and 2,9-dimethylnorharman indicated that cationic forms were less important than in the inhibition of NAD+-linked respiration. We suggest that the relatively potent inhibition by certain 2-MeDHI3Cs/2-MeIJCs involves neutral forms for passive mitochondrial entry and cationic as well as neutral forms that act at several respiratory sites. Respiratory inhibition could reasonably underlie the reported neurotoxicity of 2-MefiCs.Interest in N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), a street drug contaminant that selectively destroys nigrostriatal cells, has stimulated investigations of environmental or endogenous toxins that might be associated with idiopathic parkinsonism (1, 2). An oxidation product of MPTP, N-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+), is believed to be the species that exerts neurotoxicity by inhibiting the mitochondrial respiratory chain at site I (NADH dehydrogenase) (3,4). Intrigued by the structural overlap between MPP+ and indole-derived p-carboline (,8C) compounds that are methylated (quaternized) on the 2-nitrogen (2-Mef3Cs), we and others (5-9) have hypothesized possible neurotoxic roles for 2-MeBCs in Parkinson disease. Endogenous biosynthetic pathways can be envisioned for 2-MepC formation from indoleamines or even tryptophan (10).Although ,BCs and their hydrogenated derivatives (3,4-dihyro-,BCs; DHPCs) have been studied extensively (see Discussion), little is known about the toxic capabilities of their N-methylated analogs. Hoppel et al. (8) noted that the ,BC, 2-methylharmine, was an effective mitochondrial respiratory inhibitor, and we now present results showing that several 2-MeDHfC/2-Mef3C isomers with 7-oxygenat...