Plasmalogens are a class of phospholipids containing vinyl ether linked aliphatic groups at the
1 position. Plasmalogens are known to contain 16- and 18-carbon aliphatic groups at the
1 position. Here, we reveal that the human neutrophil plasmenylethanolamine pool uniquely includes molecular species with very long carbon chain (VLC) aliphatic groups, including 20-, 22- and 24-carbon vinyl ether linked aliphatic groups at the
1 position. We identified these novel VLC plasmalogen species by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry methods. VLC plasmalogens were only found in the neutrophil plasmenylethanolamine pool. During neutrophil activation, VLC plasmenylethanolamines undergo myeloperoxidase-dependent oxidation to produce VLC 2-chlorofatty aldehyde and its oxidation product, 2-chlorofatty acid (2-ClFA). Furthermore, plasma concentrations of VLC 2-ClFA are elevated in human sepsis. These studies demonstrate for the first time VLC plasmenylethanolamine molecular species, their myeloperoxidase-mediated chlorolipid products and the presence of these chlorolipids in human sepsis.