This article emphasizes the impact of coordinated energy storage (ES) and flexible alternating current transmission (FACTS) devices in the combined voltage and frequency control of multi-area systems having hydro, thermal, geothermal, and solar thermal power plants. Appropriate realistic constraints are equipped with both hydro and thermal units. A novel fuzzy logic controllerbased cascade PI and PID with filter coefficient (N), FCPI-PIDN controller is proposed and optimized various controller parameters using artificial flora algorithm. Comparative analysis of FCPI-PIDN, Cascade PI and PIDN (CPI-PIDN), and PIDN controllers show the superiority of the FCPI-PIDN controller to others. Integration of ES devices (ESDs), such as redox flow battery (RFB),capacitive energy storage (CES), and superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) indicates that the incorporation of ESDs enhance the system performance and RFB is superior to SMES and CES. Moreover, integration of FACTS devices, such as interline power flow controller (IPFC), thyristor control series capacitor (TCSC), and unified power flow controller (UPFC) indicates the incorporation of FACTS devices improve the system dynamic and coordination of IPFC-RFB provide better response than TCSC-RFB and UPFC-RFB. Investigation reveals that the optimal location of RFB is Area 1 and IPFC is in between Areas 1 and 3. Sensitivity analysis validated the robustness of the FCPI-PIDN controller.