Semiconductors require stable doping for applications in transistors, optoelectronics, and thermoelectrics. However, this has been challenging for two-dimensional (2D) materials, where existing approaches are either incompatible with conventional semiconductor processing or introduce time-dependent, hysteretic behavior. Here we show that low temperature (< 200°C) sub-stoichiometric AlO x provides a stable n-doping layer for monolayer MoS 2 , compatible with circuit integration. This approach achieves carrier densities >2×10 13 cm -2 , sheet resistance as low as ~7 kΩ/□, and good contact resistance ~480 Ω⋅μm in transistors from monolayer MoS 2 grown by chemical vapor deposition. We also reach record current density of nearly 700 μA/μm (>110 MA/cm 2 ) in this three-atom-thick semiconductor while preserving transistor on/off current ratio > 10 6 . The maximum current is ultimately limited by self-heating and could exceed 1 mA/μm with better device heat sinking. With their 0.1 nA/μm off-current, such doped MoS 2 devices approach several low-power transistor metrics required by the international technology roadmap.