Vienna and the New Wohnkultur, 1918–1938 examines interior design exhibitions, press, and debates about modern living in interwar Vienna, an overlooked area of modern European architecture and design history. The book argues for a reconsideration of the contours of European modernism. It analyzes varied interpretations of modern domestic culture (Wohnkultur) in Vienna and why these interpretations were distinct from other strands of European modernism. The book introduces new research and translations of primary sources on flexible, adaptable, and affordable design by architects, designers, and retailers. Vienna’s design discourse also prefigured important postmodern and contemporary discussions on historicism, eclecticism, empathy, and user experience. While the domestic sphere might seem tangential to the dire political situation and humanitarian crises of interwar Europe, it was nevertheless at the forefront of debates about cultural identity and economic policy in the Viennese press, culture, and arts. This book explores why and how the Viennese design landscape was set apart––aesthetically and theoretically––from other European explorations of modern design.