Liquid crystals (LC) are widely used in optical devices. New electro-optic effects are still being established. The requirements of such devices increases thus still new materials are elaborated for such purpose. In this review, two electro-optic effects are described, namely Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric LC (SSFLC) and Deformed Helix Ferroelectric LC (DHFLC) effects. New ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures were formulated which can be used in devices operating on the basis of the mentioned electro-optic effects. Two ways of mixture preparation have been used: mixing of chiral components or mixing of achiral components with addition of a small amount of chiral dopant. The ferroelectric mixtures with very short (less than 200 nm) or very long (more than 1 μm) pitches are discussed. The mixtures meet almost all requirements of SSFLC and DHFLC effects and therefore, have important prospects for applications in optical sensors.